Real Estate Migration Patterns

Summer is the time that Americans pull up roots, and make a move to a new City destination.  The attraction to make a real estate move is a combination of job market, housing costs, living costs, and quality of life.

Is Denver – Boulder the nation’s top destination spot for a real estate move? Bit of surprise to review the list of top destination Cities in the US. and see that Denver Metro is missing as a top destination.

US Migration Map

Not a big surprise is that New York metro has the largest exodus.  But, where is everyone heading?

RISMedia (click here for full article) has done an in depth article providing migration patterns, along with data support from and

Additional charts of interest

– Cities Gaining the Most Residents
– Cities Loosing the Most Residents
– Top Destinations for Millennials

Cities Gaining PopulationCities Loosing Population

Millennials Migration






















Cliff Daniels / Realtor
Active Properties
Boulder Colorado
720 434 1418