Compiled below is an extensive list of line item subjects that contribute to potential indoor air pollutant concerns.
Indoor air pollutants publications
List of sample causes of indoor air problems:
- What is Radon?
- Where does radon come from?
What is the average level of radon found in homes in the U.S.?
What is the debate on radon?
Describe the radon epidemiological studies?
- How do we know radon is a carcinogen?
- What about radon in schools?
- What are the health effects from exposure to radon?
What is the radon hotline?
- What did the National Academy of Sciences have to say about radon?
- Can the use of fragrances indoors cause health impacts?
Does EPA certify/register or provide lists of acceptable air cleaners or manufacturers/sellers?
Does EPA Regulate Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Household Products?
How does outdoor air enter a building?
How much ventilation do I need?
Is there a minimum ventilation rate in a room that minimizes adverse health effects?
Should I have the air ducts in my home cleaned?
Should you use an air cleaner?
What are biological pollutants, how do they affect indoor air quality?
What are combustion products?
What are ionizers and other ozone generating air cleaners?
What are some common asthma triggers?
What are Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)?
- What is Asthma?
- Who gets asthma?
What can I do if I have asthma?
What causes asthma symptoms, episodes or attacks?
What do I do if I suspect that combustion appliances are affecting my health?
What guidelines are available to compare air cleaners?
What if I am remodeling my home?
What if I live in an apartment?
What is a HEPA filter?
What is a MERV Rating?
What is Carbon Monoxide?
What is the average level of carbon monoxide in homes?
What is the Integrated Building Evaluation and Assessment Model (I-BEAM)?
What should I know about formaldehyde and indoor air quality?
Where should I place a carbon monoxide detector?
Will air cleaners reduce health risks?
Will EPA regulate the use of fragrances indoors?
The listed tops all have links, depending on your interest: CLICK HERE
Cliff Daniels
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Boulder Colorado