Lead-Based Paint Disclosure or Lead-Based Paint Hazards 1978

Homes built in 1978 or earlier are much more likely to have lead-based paint. Federal law requires you to make sure the seller provides certain important information about lead paint. And, this must be done before a prospective buyer is obligated under a contract to purchase the home.

Be aware that:

It is the seller’s obligations to disclose, under the Real Estate Notification and Disclosure Rule. The real estate agent is responsible if the seller fails to comply unless the failure involves specific lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazard information that the seller did not disclose to you. A seller’s obligations are as follows:
– Give the buyer any known information, records or reports concerning lead-based paint hazards in the home. This includes the location of the hazard and condition of painted surfaces.

– Give the buyer an EPA-approved information pamphlet on identifying and controlling lead-based paint hazards, Protect Your Family From Lead In Your Home (PDF).

– Allow the buyer a 10-day period to conduct a paint inspection or risk assessment for lead paint hazards. Parties may mutually agree, in writing, to lengthen or shorten the time for inspection. Homebuyers may waive this inspection opportunity.

Include an attachment (called the Disclosure of Information on Lead Paint and/or Lead Paint Hazards) to the contract which includes a Lead Warning Statement and confirms that the seller has complied with all notification requirements. The seller, homebuyer, and both agents must sign and date the attachment. It’s easy to attach PDF documents in Matrix.  Help tab/link how-to document for step-by-step instructions: Click Here

Cliff Daniels
Active Properties
Boulder Colorado
720 434 1418