Your credit score is a key indicator of how risky you are to lenders and creditors considering extending you a loan or line of credit. Because these entities don’t know you personally, all they have to go on is a review of your previous payment history and other related behavior.
Your credit score will typically fall between 850 and 300 based on your credit history. Anything above 750 is considered excellent credit, but a score of 600 or below makes you a poor credit risk.
If your credit score isn’t where you would like it to be, there are some things that you can do to improve it. By implementing these strategies, you can reap benefits including lower interest rates on loans and the ability to secure higher credit card limits.
Tip #1: Pay Your Bills on Time
Tip #2: Pay More Than the Minimum
Tip #3: Work on Paying Off Debt (Rather Than Just Moving It Around)
Tip #4: Check for – and Remove – Any Incorrect Information on Your Credit Report
Tip #5: Reduce Your Debt-to-Income Ratio
Tip #6: Have a Good Mix of Debt
Tip #7: Keep Your Credit Cards, Even If You Are Not Currently Using Them
Tip #8: Don’t Apply for an Abundance of New Credit
Tip #9: Become an Authorized User
Tip #10: Know Exactly Where You Stand – and Where You Want to Go
Click Here: Read the details & Where to Start With Improving Your Credit Score
Cliff Daniels
Active Properties
Boulder Colorado
720 434 1418